Who We Are
Valor awaits the brave
RED ALERT was born on L2 Reborn on May 13th 2022, founded by Thesys alongside a group of core members which have been playing together under the clan tag „Invictus” since its original foundation in 2007. We like to describe ourselves as a tight Community made of members who look after each other, support each other and enjoy playing Lineage together. We have each other’s backs and , and don’t let each other down. We value our integrity and we strive to be righteous and true in the face of hostility and toxicity. We play by the Rules. Our way is to be honorable: you won’t see our members flaming, insulting, stealing or cheating simply because this is not who we are. Throughout the years we have been true to ourselves and have built a remarkable network of 1200+ Active Players, which positions us as one of the largest active International L2 communities in the world.
Despite not adopting a „hardcore” playstyle, our ambitions are clear: We aim to be a highly organized and fully competitive Top Side which participates to the entirety of end-game content. Castle Sieges, Territories, Epic Fights, Open World Mass PvP, Top Farming Spots We don’t treat Lineage like a job, but whenever we decide to participate to any event, we leave our mark.
Red Alert is powered by a Team of competent, knowledgeable and highly available Leaders. From Clan Leaders, to CP Leaders, to Support Teams, our Leadership is fully aligned on the founding principles of:
  • Transparency We set clear rules and lead by example in respecting them
  • Clarity in Communication We break down language barriers and disagree respectully and openly with each other
  • „Allergy” to Drama We de-escalate emotional conflicts into manageable conversations
  • Continuous Improvement Win or Lose, we analyze our performance thoroughly, provide feedback, learn from our mistakes, and go again